Focus on projects that impact the Earth and environment, emphasize sustainability, and civic education. The involvement takes the form of dedicating time and personal effort, contributing funds to make an idea reality, or of active participation in fund raising.
Ongoing Projects
Process-Response System in Hawaiian Beaches
- understand what controls the morphologic changes in beaches across the Hawaiian island chain
- understand and rank the importance of meteorologic, wave, current, water-level variables in Hawaiian beaches
- compare and contrast beach environments around one island and across the island chain
TrAiLS – Technology Augmented Land Stewardship
- Restore the Hawaiian native tropical forest on a 17-acre private lot on the Big Island of Hawaii
- Import and adapt technologies to heal, monitor and enhance tropical stream and forest environments
- Establish a seed bank for a Hawaiian native forest located in a wet climate zone at ~1600ft elevation
- Develop knowledge sharing tools and scalable methods applicable elsewhere
GOOFy – Quantitative GeOmOrphology of Basalt Flows
- Gather and analyze quantitative geomorphic data from basalt flows on the Hawaiian Islands
- Test the relationship between basalt flow geomorphology and volcanic processes
Past projects
An example of a project followed with great interest – “The Creative landscape of Dâmbovita County, Romania” (site is in Romanian, no English translation yet). The project engaged high-school students who were exposed to and learned the steps towards becoming entrepreneurs in a “creative industry”. The project also produced a “creativity map”, an interactive tool containing information, videos and interviews with artists, artisans and other creative individuals or companies in Dâmbovita County, Romania.
Read about project updates and information here.